At IONAX, we use Design Driven Development (D3) along with Scrum. D3 is a simple, effective and agile development methodology, vital in transforming project development process into a design
oriented one, granting creativity and innovation.D3 eliminates the decoupling between development and design teams. Also aims to create a live powerful user experience by engaging
interdisciplinary teams with an iterative and collective mindset.
Each project’s design and concept is identified in light of D3 principles and planned, operated and administered through the Scrum methodology. Scrum is an observant Agile software development
methodology that is based on repetition and evolution. Scrum assumes that requirements identified at the initial stage of the project may change due to technological advancement, structural or
behavioral changes and project experience. Each project is planned in sprints. Sprints generally consist of 4-week periods and target a concrete deliverable. As each sprint is completed, the
upcoming sprints and requirements are re-evaluated allowing the project to remain aligned with end goals.
IONAX's competitive advantage is that it supports Scrum with D3 in development and implementation. The additional requirements and changes regarding the development are treated as inseparable with other project layers such as design, user experience and content. Our team is able to adapt to the changing requirements of our clients throughout the project, providing a seamless workflow. While we mainly use Scrum, when we are involved in projects such as Dynamics AX or when the customer has a specific project management routine, we can adapt to classic or product-specific methodologies such as SureStep.